Tuesday, March 29, 2022
A Quick Look: YOG, MONSTER FROM SPACE (1971 - color)
YOG, MONSTER FORM SPACE came during a period in which Toho studios of Japan was falling upon hard times. Much like England's Hammer Films, the true heyday for the studio's popular output was coming to a close in the early 70's. A throwback to the mid-60's glory days, YOG detailed the exploits of a group of people on a tropical island under assault by a shapeless space monster that could create giants out of the local animal life. Nice pacing, fairly strong script, fine cast of familiar Toho faces. Oh, and some cool monsters, too! Released State-side by American International, it hit video in the 80's via a tape on which the sound was off by about 20 seconds for a good five minute stretch! Sadly, it is only commercially available now under the International title of "Space Amoeba" and sporting the frustratingly awful International dub. This dub is notable, however, for referring to the film's giant jungle turtle as the "stegosaurus bat." That one still has us scratching our heads!