Friday, November 8, 2019

A Quick Look: MOON ZERO TWO (1969/70 - color)

   One of Hammer's often overlooked gems, MOON ZERO TWO was an unlikely blending of genres. A space opera/western one can see, but a British one? Basically, the plot is one of land-grabbing and the efforts of bad men to secure a plot where an expensive meteor will crash -or so is my memory of it. Truth is I'm due for another screening. It was briefly issued on disk alongside WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH, until someone noticed the dinosaur movie accidentally used the European print with a Victoria Vetri nude scene! The disk was pulled and now sells for around $200. Anyway, I recall MOON ZERO TWO as being an intriguing picture, but not an overly spectacular one. Even so, I often find myself humming the film's main musical refrain. Check out the space guns shaped like peacemakers! Catherine Schell would shortly go on to play the shape-shifting Maya in the superior second season of Gerry Anderson's Space:1999. It's fun seeing her in a space opera minus the rubber eyebrows.

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