Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A New Post

Yes, I'm still here. Blogger has become more difficult to use, however, so my posts will have to change format somewhat. In general, I find myself out of phase with modern structure. Imagine being a stick-and-rudder pilot suddenly on the crew of a space shuttle and you'll have some idea of where I am, technologically. Anyway, I felt I'd better make a post of some kind so the account doesn't dry up. I'm still seeking a partner to continue Cartoon Cuties, and I've been developing a new side-title to go with it. I've been keeping busy. I'll try to figure out posts I can make here from time to time, but the format has changed so drastically that I'm not sure what said posts will be. As always, I thank you for the support you've given me over the years. God bless you all.

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